Why Are Macadamia Nuts So Expensive?

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Macadamia nuts tend to be one of the most expensive nuts, but they’re worth every smooth, slightly sweet crunch!

If you’ve perused the grocery store aisle lately and glanced at the prices of nuts, you’ll notice that macadamia nuts are quite a bit more expensive than traditional nuts such as peanuts, almonds, and walnuts. A jar of peanut butter may set you back $5.00, whereas the same jar of macadamia nut butter may run you upwards of $15.00! So, what gives? Why are macadamia nuts so expensive?

Nature’s Morsels supplies the best Kenyan-grown macadamia nuts that are both affordable and grown and processed to the highest standards for a product you’re sure to love! Learn more about the cost behind macadamia nuts and why they’re more expensive than most other nuts in today’s post. 

The Rise Of Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts have become some of the most sought after nuts, not only for their amazing flavor profile that is rich, smooth, and buttery coupled with a slightly sweet crunch, but because of their amazing health benefits. They are extremely versatile and can be used in savory and sweet dishes, and are an easy substitute and alternative to dairy for non-dairy delights. 

From macadamia butter and now macadamia milk, it’s popping up in a variety of ways that go beyond just the traditional nuts we all know and love to snack on. With as much as they’re growing in popularity and demand, why are they one of the priciest nuts? 

Behind The Price Tag

There are many factors that contribute to the high price of macadamia nuts, but trust us, they’re worth it! 

Limited Supply

Of all the nuts grown worldwide, macadamia nuts only make up only 1% of that production, making them extremely rare in their supply. 


While other nut trees can exist in a relatively neutral climate such as peanuts and almonds, macadamia nuts are a bit more particular. High rainfall coupled with modest temperatures (tropical climates) and high altitude is where macadamia nuts thrive, making only a couple of places in the world suitable for growing these nuts including Kenya, Hawaii, and Australia. 

Growth Cycle

To reach maturity, it takes a macadamia nut tree between three to seven years to readily produce nuts, and in that time it requires a great deal of attention and care so it can flourish and be a high-yielding nut tree. 


Where do macadamia nuts thrive? In places with extremely high tourism rates (Hawaii, South Africa, and Australia). The issue is, this land is highly valuable for agriculture, however, it has to compete for land with tourism and the real estate pursuits that it comes with. So ideally many macadamia nut tree farms would love to expand, but it just isn’t available, affordable to farmers, or restricted. 

Investing In Macadamia Nuts

Between the exclusive climate, growth cycle, and supply, macadamia nuts can be pricey, but that shouldn’t discourage you from enjoying their delicious flavor profile and health benefits. 

Nature’s Morsels is committed to bringing you Kenyan-grown macadamia nuts that are the most affordable, while delivering ethical trade and pay for the people who produce them and sustainable practices that provide the best-tasting nuts around. 

Buy a bag today!